Quixel Mixer is underestimated
- Quixel Mixer
- Quixel Megascans
Edges, Cavities.
Inside Mask Stack: Curvature => Add Gaussian Blur, instead of using AO. If you do not like the results that Ambient Occlusion map gives you, try blurring the curvature to get a larger cavity feeling.
Duplicate the layer and place it above the current. Now blur the current layer and your edges will stand out more prominently or how I heard it "pop".
Distort blend mode works similarly to the Directional Warp in Substance Designer. You can distort an underlying mask component via the "Distort" slider. Try to apply a base albedo and distort a noise with it.
Tiling. If you've tiled your textures in Photoshop, then you will feel right at home.
Place your asset at the corners of the base plane. Mask out the parts that are blending in harshly. One upside to Mixer is that it can utilize this technique 3D information.
Displacement Cleanup. Duplicate your layer and blur it. Mask out the parts with harsh displacement.
Base Map Blend Modes. Give base map blend modes a go, even if you dont understand what exactly is happening, they can provide very interesting looks.